Monday, May 5, 2014

Obesity in Children - Ashwag Gashgari - week 3

In the article "Causes and Consequences of Childhood Obesity", Daneman, remarks that, childhood obesity is sharply increased in the past decades, this is a significant issue, because obesity in childhood raise the potentiality to be obese adults; in addition, it has connected to higher health problems in the future, and also it has linked to future psychosocial problems. Moreover, he states some causes of obesity and he mentions that obesity gains because the combination of many causes, some of them are genes and environments, studies show that genes play a role in the obesity, and with the less physical activity and the bad food habit it would increase obesity. However, children don't have an awareness or control on their habits, they just follow their families system.  

Furthermore, he mentions some ways to prevent obesity, starting by changing the whole family system by eating more healthier food, exercising more, spending less time watching TV, and disturbing the a awareness to the societies, and because of the huge number of families who are too busy to cook or even don't know their good choices, or live in a bad neighborhood which will prevent them from exercising or playing, the percentage number of obesity in children raising dramatically. 

Finally, he ends his article by discussing some programs that help to eliminate or reduce obesity in society, and yes it will not be easy and it will need a massive effort, but we could change our habit and spread the a awareness among people, as Daneman (2007) have explained, the process of decreasing the percentage of the obesity in children is seems hard or even impossible "But collectively, we have achieved other massive societal changes that seemed impossible at the start" (para .14), as the author notices that people should have an awareness of the essence of obesity in our children life, and try to find the causes, the future consequences, and fight or find solutions to this disease.

In my opinion, I found this article useful and connected to me, due to the fact that I was an obese child and I grew up to be an obese women, people especially parents should make attention to this problem because most of the obese children grew up to be obese adults like me, it really affect my life and I suffered from it and I believe it was one of the causes for my Asthma, and I tried a lot to lose weight and be more healthier, however, I failed many times, so I refuge to the sleeves surgery and I lost until now 69 pounds, am not encouraging people to attempt surgery but I am trying to show the message here to start have an attention to this problem and try our best with our children.

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