Sunday, May 4, 2014

Naif Alshareef 

Five stages of Second Language acquisition 

   In one of the article published online by Concorida univeristy " 5 stages of second language acquisition" the writers explains how is it difficult for learners of second language to learners speaking and writing comparing with the native language. The learners may face anxiety at the beginning.

    The author also Provides five stages to acquire the second language and address the theory of the famous linguist Stephen Krashen 

    The the first stage which is the silent stage. This stage the learners  starts to learn new vocabulary and talk with basic structure and practice self-speaking.The second stage is early production. at this stage the learn gain more vocabulary and speak with  basic correct grammar.The third stage which is speech emergence. at this stage the learners learn more from the reading and speak more phrases and communicate better. the Forth and fifth stages is more fluent and needs couples of years until the second language learner become like naive speaker.

  As i studied linguistics and i am a big fan of the linguist Stephen Krashen, I started to  observe this theory on my friends who came to Riverside and begin to learn English as beginners. Actually i see how the theory is accurate . However, i also can see how the first language culture affects some of language acquisition. For Example, some students can go through the first two stages faster than other students of because  of the first language  which their culture has talkative environment.Although it is true it takes long period of time for second language learners to be fluent, it differ from learn  to another. some learners has social skills which make them learn faster.


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