Saturday, May 31, 2014

International Students and California universities Admission , Naif Alshareef 

    The article is about USC and admission for international students. Larry Gibson states that the university has the most ranking for enrolling international student all over the nation. According to the institutes of international education , the rate of international students in United states higher education has raised to 5% with the total number of  723,227. Larry says Chinese students represents the largest group of the international students then India. The writer also mentions that this will benefit the universities financially and also this will not affect the admission between American students and international students since they only form 4% of the students population. The last point is that this will help American students to have international students because now era of globalization.

   I found the article interested to me because I am an international students and I live in California.I see how the universities here have diverse students population many students like to study in California since universities here have good prestigious.

  Although there is an  increase in international students  population in American universities, sometimes it is difficult to have admission. For example some universities have their own admission procedure. Also other difficulties may face the international students to live here like new education system, living expenses, and new culture. 

   Also I can see that the popularity of the place has a role for the international students. Los Angeles , New York , Chicago have the most of the students.students. However  there are other good universities but they may not popular because the attraction of the place or the cities. 

    UCS have good policy for international students. Other UC campuses should follow that policy because many students come to California to Study English or purse their education at the universities on both undergraduate and graduate levels.

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