Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Impacts of Social media - Ashwag Gashgari - Week 2

In the article "Social Media - A Good Thing or a Bad Thing?," Ali, cites that any new technology has positive and negative sides, and it is really depend on your using to this technology, he also notes about the general impacts of social media; for instance, how business companies use some of the social medias as a way to promote their product; in the same time, it effect badly to the companies when their employees distract with these forgoing sites and he also remarks that these sites in hand lead to addiction.
 In addition, he mentions some of the advantages of social media on relationships: how social media make it easier and possible for people to communicate with their friends who were out of touch, such as high school friends, friends you met them in vacation, and even with friends across the worlds, and also how can we use these social media to express our feeling, hobbies, or even trips with others.
Moreover, he explains the other side of social media which lead many of people to be more isolated and less communicating with others.

From my view in point, I believe that this article is interested to me, since, it is related to my major Computer Science, in addition, it is really important to see the forgoing impacts of the technology that dominate it our life, because now people can't live without technology; it became one of our fundamentals. For me and most of the international students, it became a need so we can communicate with our friends and families in the other side of the world, I agree with the author when he said that it makes us more isolated and less communicated in the real world; due to the fact that, any gathering even if it was a party, wedding, or funeral you see most of the people busy with their cell phones rather than spending time talking face to face, so we become more comfortable talking behind the screens, however, any thing has its own advantages and disadvantages you choose your own path and how it can be used (2012, August 08).

the link: http://socialmediatoday.com/syed-noman-ali/608781/social-media-good-thing-or-bad-thing

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