Sunday, May 18, 2014

10 Ways to Avoid a Cop Giving You a Speeding Ticket

Hisham Alshehri
By: Eric Peters

10 Ways to Avoid a Cop Giving You a Speeding Ticket

     Is it annoying you that you get speed ticket just because you drive a little over the speed limit? Many people get speed ticket just because they speed a little faster than the speed limit.  Here some methods by Eric Peters to be under the cops radar. First of all try to drive within 5-10 mph of the other cars. If you drive with the flow of traffic the cops won’t notice you because the cops only looking for the car that drive much faster than the other. Second method is try to stay on the middle of the pack traffic. Logically, if you driving fast and you lead the cars then you are the first one who will pass the cops radar trap and getting speed ticket. If you are the last car may be you will be the one the cops will roll up behind you just like a hungry lion haunts after last gazelle of the herd. So the safest way is to stay in the middle of the pack cars. Next methods is find a “Rabbit”, if you can’t find a pack of cars driving fast, then try to find a car that driver faster and follow discretely within 100 yard. If there is a police radar, then the rabbit will trip the trap, not you.  If he suddenly brakes then that a sign that there is danger and it is the time to take defensive action. Next ways of avoiding speed ticket is do not change your lanes frequently and do not drive aggressively. If you drive rude and in danger, there is might be someone will call the cops and give them description about your car. Always try to be courteous and use you signals. Another tip is try to avoid the fast track and stay in the middle as possible. Drivers who drive at the fast lane are the most likely to became the target because if the cops opposite direction on highway and you pass them, then you are the most noticeable car. For that, try to be far from the left lane as possible. Next methods when you are driving on the highway, try to notice cutouts sings and try to slow down because usually after a couple of miles there is a cop who lurking behind the bushes and ready to give you a ticket. Another way is try to not speed if you are the only one on the road. Even if your only 5 mph over the speed limit you are easily to catch if there is a police radar. Other tip is get a radar detector. It is a little expensive, but it is only one time, it can saves you a lot, and it is even cheaper than a one speed ticket. Next tips is try to drive a nondescript vehicle because it is a human nature to look at noticeable things. The cars with bright color or with loud exhaust there are more likely to draw a cop attention. Last methods is be aware or your appearances. If you are the only one drive on the road in the mid night and you look like bank robber, then expect a speeding ticket with no mercy. On other hand if you look like a responsible member of the community then you are more likely to get a friendly response.

      My point of view about the above tips, it is more sense ways to avid to get a speeding ticket. I might disagree with some points such as, drive a nondescript vehicle and watch for signal cutouts, I think that doesn't helpful to avoid speed because cops more smarter and they have new ways to pull over the speed cars even if you drive a nondescript car.

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