Wednesday, May 21, 2014

        Naif Alshareef , Analysis of Robert Letter to the Editor  

                                                    Analysis of Robert Letter to the editor 

 In the letter to the editor, Robert R. Raywift provides reasons and arguments why overnight parking should be prevented on all Moorburg’s streets. According to Robert, Parking from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., on Moorburg streets, should be banned because its disadvantages far outweigh of its advantages. Robert states that overnight parking on the streets became like a private parking lot for the car owners.   Moreover , he mentions that the important streets in  Mooorburg  suffer from overnight parking because that cause traffic during rush hour. Also prohibiting overnight parking will reduce accidents.
      On the hand  hand if we look at Robert’s letter critically, some of his arguments and reasons are irrational.For example, when he argues that agreements from clever citizens should be considered for preventing overnight Parking. This argument is poisoning the well. It indicates that if you are smart citizen you should support the prohibition of overnight parking, otherwise you are not one of the shrew residents in the Moorburg city. Maybe there are other residents who are smart but they disagree with the idea.
 Another argument provided by Robert which is the claim of parking overnight and   the righto park during that time. In that statement Robert is begging the question by saying that it is illegal to park overnight because it is illegal to have private parking on public place.
    Moreover, I find the example Robert mentions about the experiment established by the Chief of the police to prohibit parking during 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.  On one of the famous street in Moorburg is irrelevant to the overnight parking. This false cause argument because he compares the number of the accidents in the street with the prohibition of the overnight parking.  During the four hour prohibition of parking reduce the accident, but what about the other hour like rush hour. Usually accident at that time is rare because there is no traffic and even if there were many accidents in the past four year in that street but may be the accident happened in another time of the day, so the connection between the overnight parking and the accident are irrelevant.

   Finally,  Robert claims that the opponents against the idea of prohibiting overnight parking claim that is it is safe now and Robert goes against this idea. Robert here has another interpretation for the word safe. According to him, safe means in this context the complete absence of   and possibility of having accidents. This argument is consider Equivocation.  

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