Sunday, June 8, 2014

What is marriage? Yuna Tsushima

Now a days, more people do not marry and more people get divorce. In the article, the author oppose the idea that human beings are not monogamous anymore and the marriage system is almost out of order. And he also refers to the remarriage rate, which is high recently, and because it is high, he argues that people are still seeing some good points in marriage and seeking a chance to get married.  Schwarz states that it is considered to be good and healthy to get married with someone and have family to raise children. It is important to see and learn from both parents for children to build their own personality. In addition, He suggests that there are “nesting instinct” and marriage has some psychological benefit for each spouse.

 Just seventy years ago, before WW2, things were very different. Marriage was necessary, not royalty. Almost all people got married around 20 years old, which is considered to be relatively early today. Since it was difficult for women to work in the society, women needed to get married and get financial support to live. And also there were few household appliance such as washing machine and vacuum cleaner, men cannot afford both work and housework. Therefore, marriage was prime necessity to live. Even if the husband beets his wife or cheat, the wife had to endure. Because if they get divorce, she and her children would not be able to afford themselves and die out of hunger.  After WW2, as women’s position has improved, divorce rate has been rising. Women got into society, became having work, and also some laws about divorce was created. Some women are called “career women”, which means women working as hard as men do or more than men, and see importance on her work and enjoying working. This kind of women tend not to get married, late their marriage or keep working after getting married and having a child. Even “house husband” has been increasing. Women can live without husband, and can get divorce more easily in today’s society. In addition, for the men, it became easier to do housework with many convenient household appliance and they can do both work and housework. So they don’t need house wife anymore. As a result, there are more divorce and unmarried people, and less children.

 A new problem was born as a result of solving “women right” problem. Although I don’t know much about women before WW2, and I have never experienced the life of that generation, I like the style of old life. But I may be just asking for the moon. Human’s life has been changing and no one knows about the future. Some states in the US approved gay marriage. We still don’t have any kind of official partnership for gay people in Japan, but I think we will have someday. Marriage is no longer about role of wife and husband, but about partnership between two people to decide to live the rest of their life together as a family. The style of family will be more various and complex and the value of marriage will be more different. I don’t think it is bad, but I want to rethink “what is marriage”.

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