Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dare to Disagree--Wendi Fan

In her speech "Dare to Disagree", Margaret Heffernan states her notions that to make conflicts with others about work will make your friends to think it over, and help them to create new concepts. Maybe your disagreement will benefit your friends a lot for his new creation. In her speech, Margaret posted three examples to support her ideas. Three persons, who worked together in medical company, experienced disagree points of view with workmates. However, they gained more useful suggestion and thoughts from different thinkings and different arguments. The most important thing is that sometimes these disagreements can help to prove your result is definitely correct in different ways. Therefore, Margaret recommends us to select right workmates, then establish conflict thinking with them to make more progress.

China has a similar proverb saying that good medicines, which always taste bitter, but are right for health, and good advice, which is always harsh to the ear, but is beneficial to actions. From Margaret's speech, that something I found helpful to me is to judge my friends again, the one who dare to debate my thoughts is real friends, and I should treasure them a lot because they will help me to be perfect. On the contrast, the one who is always obey to my idea and never point out my faults, maybe I will far away from him or just keep the normal relationship with him. Only the persons who will help you to get better one by getting rid of flaws are your true friends. 

Actually, the most hard thing is to disagree with ourselves. We always believe that we are the best one, we can do everything. We become such a super man that we cannot hear others' voice and not bare different opinions. This will make us live in the ivory tower. Someone asked Socrates: " Since you are the world's most learned man, then you must know what is the height between the heaven and the earth." Socrates does not hesitate to answer : "three feet!" That people disagree: " Each of us has five feet high, only three feet between the heaven and the earth, is that not prick sky?" Socrates smiled and said: "so, anyone should understand this you are indeed over three feet high, if you want to have long standing between the heaven and the earth, bowing your heads first."

As we know that, in our lives, the person who view himself as a talent always fails to see the good of others; Cynics, often can not see the beautiful scenery of the world; Only the person who dare to bend and constantly deny themselves, learn more flaws from themselves continuously. And only these people will cheer for the success of others, glad for their own understanding others, feel comfortable in the sight of setbacks.

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