This article is about one of the psychology concept which is conformity. Conformity is changing in one person behavior because the influence of the another person or group. Mostly that concept refer to the group pressure. people usually conform for many reasons but the most common is it fit the surrounding and doesn't look odd. Deautsch and Gerard find tow main reasons for conformity: Informational and normative conformity. The first type happen when the person want to be correct.The second one happens to avoid punishment. The author mentions type of conformity like compliance , identification, internalization. The author mentions some experiment and example of conformity like a collage student who drinks alcohol because his colleagues drink in the part although he doesn't like drinking.
some times it is unnecessary to follow or accept the other behavior or do things to fit the group. I live here in America almost for one year and i have some friends and observe some behavior changes. For example I live with two Americans roommate and the weekend they have party and drink every one come to the house drink ,but i don't drink even they offered me many times to drink but i refused because i am convinced i don't have to follow their behavior and drink and stratify them.
actually i think the person who doesn't conform all the time have strong opinion and also have good skill of evaluation and critical thinking , sometimes we have our own value and behavior that is doesn't fit the group but for our they are acceptable, but do we have to raise the question is it sometimes more logical and the right thing to do is conformity ? sometime is is right because it is direct the person to the correct behavior. I think it is about the personality and way of thinking and evaluation.
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