Monday, June 9, 2014

The Real Public Service

By: Ayesha Aldoghan

      In the article “The Real Public services”, Tomas Sowell says that the right way to help people in this country is not being an employee in public services departments or being politicians. The right way is to know what the human being needs and to do the right things for these needs. He mentions many examples to help people without going to public services, if someone wants people to live in better housed, he should be the person who make these better houses. If someone wants people to buy things that they don’t have the amount of money for this things or product, he should create new efficient ways to make this product affordable for those people. The huge change from   the beginning of 20th century and the end of the twentieth century in people lifestyle is because the great people like Tomas Addison and Wright brother who created a new ways to develop peoples life, not because the politicians,  bureaucrats, or others in "public service". He asserts that people who have helped poor people are not those people who give speech to ask people the compassion for people, but are those who make the industries more productive and the distribution more effective, those who make products and services affordable, so the poor people can use it to live decent life. Moreover, Tomas says that the real places to go to do public services are as shelters. There, student can do the real test for the reality, not to do researches in the great beautiful campus in their university. Student during their studying years are isolated of the real life out of their college walls. They listen what their professors said.  He does not deny the good and helpful skills that colleges provide for students, but he also believes that college could nourish the students many unsafe illusions. At the end, he device students that if they want to service others, they should let those people to choose a service that they could spend their money, which they have worked hard to get, on it.
In my view, Tomas Sowell discusses an important problem in his article. After graduation, many students want to work in public services as politicians or other kind of jobs in the public services.   They think that public services are the way to help improving the society and to increase the rate of poor people. Indeed, the public services helping are a superficial development. The real help for the society is innovation. If we deeply notice the positive changing on the society over the years, we will recognize that what made the positive change is the innovation. Creating new thing in the world or changing old things to be more efficient or cost less is the real service that can help poor people to reach what they need on an easy way.
I think what Tomas wrote about universities and professors and how they effect on student is doubtful. We can deny that many university help students to think effectively. There are many famous universities help students how to think uniquely. I think teaching students the uniqueness in thinking is the key to help them innovate new ways and new changes to help the development in their society. Finally, to make the innovation and the positive change are the   mission of universities, it could create a hopeful generation for the country.

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