Monday, June 9, 2014

Why do we need to save the endanger language----Zhiyuan Zhang

                In the 20th century, about 400 languages have gone extinct, which is about one every three months. Nowadays, about 100 languages in the world have only a few speakers, which means they are going to disappear. These languages are facing problem that the speaker themselves are unlikely to advertise what they speak. Most of the speakers do not meet and speak their native language. However, even the native speakers’ skill can degrade if they do not speak so often. This makes it harder to save those languages. Living in a big society, the parents do not like to teach their sons how to speak their native language, and the children are hardly able to get access to their native language, which is very common in America. The parents will send their children to boarding school, where their can only speak English. Even today, the English speakers may have discrimination to non-English speakers after hundreds of years of anti-unfairness campaigns.
                In Austria, there were about 300 languages spoken in this continent when the European first arrived. After that, 100 have already gone extinct. Most of the left languages are also in danger. In fact, only a dozen of the native languages are being taught to children.
                Some argue that if it is really important for us to save those disappearing language. Those tongues may extinct only because they do not fit the world any more, just like the species will die out if it is not strong enough to survive. Couldn’t we just regard it as a normal process of how this world evolves in Darwinism method?  
                However, language is important to learn a culture. For example, in Cherokee, there is no word for goodbye, only “I will see you again”. Researching on the language is one of the most important ways to study the culture, how the very group of people expresses their emotion, how they live and how their value is like. Without language, the culture itself will disappear. As a result, if we want to be a person with unique culture, we must save those languages. Besides, languages can contain different kinds of frameworks of thinking.
                For many reasons, linguists are trying to save the endanger language by making dictionary, recording history, translating stories and some other methods. We a making some achievements, for example, Cherokee, a language of a minority, are presently offered in local school. More children now can speak their native language, which is a large progress compared to the condition in the 1990’s.

The Real Public Service

By: Ayesha Aldoghan

      In the article “The Real Public services”, Tomas Sowell says that the right way to help people in this country is not being an employee in public services departments or being politicians. The right way is to know what the human being needs and to do the right things for these needs. He mentions many examples to help people without going to public services, if someone wants people to live in better housed, he should be the person who make these better houses. If someone wants people to buy things that they don’t have the amount of money for this things or product, he should create new efficient ways to make this product affordable for those people. The huge change from   the beginning of 20th century and the end of the twentieth century in people lifestyle is because the great people like Tomas Addison and Wright brother who created a new ways to develop peoples life, not because the politicians,  bureaucrats, or others in "public service". He asserts that people who have helped poor people are not those people who give speech to ask people the compassion for people, but are those who make the industries more productive and the distribution more effective, those who make products and services affordable, so the poor people can use it to live decent life. Moreover, Tomas says that the real places to go to do public services are as shelters. There, student can do the real test for the reality, not to do researches in the great beautiful campus in their university. Student during their studying years are isolated of the real life out of their college walls. They listen what their professors said.  He does not deny the good and helpful skills that colleges provide for students, but he also believes that college could nourish the students many unsafe illusions. At the end, he device students that if they want to service others, they should let those people to choose a service that they could spend their money, which they have worked hard to get, on it.
In my view, Tomas Sowell discusses an important problem in his article. After graduation, many students want to work in public services as politicians or other kind of jobs in the public services.   They think that public services are the way to help improving the society and to increase the rate of poor people. Indeed, the public services helping are a superficial development. The real help for the society is innovation. If we deeply notice the positive changing on the society over the years, we will recognize that what made the positive change is the innovation. Creating new thing in the world or changing old things to be more efficient or cost less is the real service that can help poor people to reach what they need on an easy way.
I think what Tomas wrote about universities and professors and how they effect on student is doubtful. We can deny that many university help students to think effectively. There are many famous universities help students how to think uniquely. I think teaching students the uniqueness in thinking is the key to help them innovate new ways and new changes to help the development in their society. Finally, to make the innovation and the positive change are the   mission of universities, it could create a hopeful generation for the country.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse - Ashwag Gashgari - blog5

     In the article "Alcohol and Drug Information, Facts, and Statistics" the author explains the meaning of alcohol and drug abuse which is not addiction, it is drinking five or more in one session in the case of alcohol abuse, while in the drug abuse called when someone use drugs without prescription and for non-medical purposes. In addition, the author remarks about some statistics about the consumption of alcohol among men and women, and some studies those show that alcohol and drug abuse is main reasons for plethora of cases in the emergency room. Moreover, the author states some facts about the subject in hand, such as the different effects of these drugs on the two genders, and number of effects on people sexual lives and how it effect their judgments and make them fall in series mistakes which they will not commitment in it if they were a wake. Furthermore, the author mentions some side effects of the issue in question in the long term, which will damage people organs and make them more susceptible to diseases for instance, cancers in the liver and colons. Such organs which would damage from the forgoing abuse as liver, also the aforementioned abuse would do some psychological problems; for example, depression and anxiety. And a surprising fact that almost 50 % of those people have mental problems from the abuse in question, finally the author writes some frequently question and an appropriate answers. I believe that this article for an organization that help people who have addiction or abusing problems, I find this article very interesting, and especially in the term of abuse because I always thought that it is an addiction problems and I didn’t know before the quantity of sides affects from this abuse in the long term, and the huge rates of residents in the USA, who have this problem, I knew number of people who fall in this abuse and I didn’t have an awareness of how much effects of alcohol and drug abuse, I wish there are more posters or advertisements about these subjects because most of the people especially teenagers are so crazy and careless about their health. Finally I want to write my last words in this subject, out of religion perspective about alcohol and drugs I believe that people should watch their health more and improve their lives, people can have fun but there must be some limits, we can have fun without damages and we shouldn't follow what the media present for the term fun because they always display the surface with the contents.

Dangerous Facebook -Yuna Tsushima

 According to research, posting and checking Facebook has something to do with self-confidence and losing self-control.  People who post many pictures and check-in many places they visited tend to have more confidence. It seems good, but this has also some negative effects. As they have more confidence, they are likely to lose their self-control and also be impatient. In the research operated by University of Pittsburgh and Columbia Business School, they found that those who esteem themselves with increased confidence had strong connection to Facebook and this effect was appeared only when they are sharing information with their friends thorough SNS. And also they found that people who are checking Facebook tend to choose unhealthier food than those who are browsing CNN news cite, and also give up to solve an anagram word puzzle earlier than people who were looking at TMZ. Furthermore, people who use social network too much are likely to have more weight, eat too much, lower credit score and more debt. This is one of negative effects of Facebook to people.

Almost all university students I have ever met have Facebook account. And I have, too. I hardly post something on Facebook, but I check Facebook once or twice a day, and share information with my friends. Not only young people but also over thirty people and even middle aged people are starting to use Facebook or other social network services such as Twitter.  Some people, especially high school and university students posted a photo which shows illegal or absurd and thoughtless acts of them and sometimes even lose their job, or studentship. These kinds of acts may be result of the over confidence with using SNS.

I think it is not bad to use SNS unless it is too much. But some people including me are addicted to connection to others and feel anxiety without the connection. It is really good effect to have self-confidence from sharing information on SNS, but it is a problem if we cannot have self-confidence without using SNS. We need to have appropriate distance from network and build healthy relationship with SNSs.


Does globalization mean we will become one culture? By: Riham

            I read an article about globalization and its effect on our cultures. In the article, the writer discusses how technology has now created the possibility and even the likelihood of a global culture. With the invention of the Internet, fax machines, satellites, and cable TV cultural boundaries have swept away. He points out that Global entertainment companies shape the perceptions and dreams of ordinary citizens, wherever they live, and this spread of values, norms, and culture tends to promote Western ideals of capitalism. Then, the author asks many questions and answers some of them in the article; for instance, Will local cultures inevitably fall victim to this global "consumer" culture? Will English eradicate all other languages? Will consumer values overwhelm peoples' sense of community and social solidarity? Or, on the contrary, will a common culture lead the way to greater shared values and political unity?

            In my point of view, globalization is a two-edged sword or in other words, it has both positive and negative effects on one’s culture.  For example, Globalization has allowed for the spread of customs, language and products.  It also has allowed for people to be able to attain goods and services not previously available, and it makes people to become familiar with the culture of other countries allowing for a greater understanding. Moreover, Global competition encourages creativity and innovation and keeps prices for services in check. There is also a greater access to foreign culture in the form of movies, music, food, clothing, and more. In short, the world has more choices. Additionally, one of the most powerful effects of globalization is the spread of education. Today, you can move in the search of the best educational facilities in the world, without any difficulty.  Lastly, Governments are able to better work together towards common goals now that there is an advantage in cooperation, an improved ability to interact and coordinate, and a global awareness of issues. On the other hand, globalization also leads to blending of cultures and the deterioration of unique cultural differences.  Some of the negatives of globalization include gap between rich and poor and environmental pollution. In addition, while globalization provides jobs to a population in one country, it takes away those jobs from another country, leaving many without opportunities. Besides, there may be a greater chance of disease spreading worldwide. To exemplify, Fast food chains, such as McDonalds and Burger King, are spreading in the developing world. Meaning more consumption of junk foods, resulting in an adverse impact on people’s health.

Cell Phones for Kids

By: Ayesha Aldoghan

There are many reasons why parents must give their kids cell phones, some of them are: to protect them in emergencies and to stay connected with their parents.
One reason some people believe kids should own a cell phone because of emergencies. Modern life makes a certain lifestyle becoming essential such as working parents who need a modern way to dealing with their kids’ emergencies. For example, in a case of a healthy emergency, if a young person is visiting his friend one day. Suddenly, he feels dizzy, but he doesn't know what to do, so he calls his father. After that, his father comes to take him to the doctor. In addition, kids can remember the easy emergency numbers to call if any problem occurred. For instance, the can call 911 for any trouble.
Another reason why many people believe kids should own a mobile phone is to stay connected with their parents. For parents to be always connected with their kids, they should have an easy way to contact with them. Kids can inform their parents where they are and when they need to be picked up. Furthermore, parents can feel comfortable and not need to worry all the time if their kids are all rights and don’t need anything.
In my opinion, cell phone is the best thing keeps people connected with friends. It is easy to be in touch with people. Also, a cell phone became popular for adult and kids. Moreover, mobile phones can save time and money to deal with children. For example, when someone has problem while he or she walking on a street, he/she can call anyone to help him/her. Even more, the parents can reach their kids when they want. Cell phones are important for kids, especially these days, to keep them away from all possible problems. Also, there are many other benefits for children from using cellphones, for instance, learning and looking for new stuff in this technology world, knowing what is happening in the world around them, and using the useful application which provided in all smart phones these days. Some people would think that kids should not own a cell phone because it spoils them. However, the majority of the kids would learn how to be responsible because of their cell phones. In addition, they could pay a part of the bill, so they would take care of using it. Also, owning a mobile phone can make the child feels like an adult, that feeling could give him/her more confidence.

Too much technology can be harmful to people -Yuna Tsushima


As technology has been developed, digital devise is becoming closer and closer to people’s life. Now we can have not only smartphone, but also tablet and even some refrigerators have monitor and some kind of connection to the internet. With these device, we can connect to our friends through SNS and texting at anytime and anywhere. Many people are addicted to digital device and SNS recently, and it is really harmful in some points. They are getting stress from overloaded information and they feel anxiety when they cannot connect to the internet. According to research, with more time spending to communicate with people on the internet than directly or talking on the phone, the communication ability will decline. And surprisingly, unhappy people spend 30% more time watching TV than happy people do. I don’t know whether I am a happy person or not, but I don’t watch TV almost at all. Yet the author states that we can get away from laptop or smartphone anytime we want. Actually, now I can’t. I will get away from my laptop and never touch it for at least 1 week after I finish my spring quarter.

Although I really do not like and am poor at laptop, my smartphone has been almost a part of my body. I can unlock the password and open some my favorite applications without having a look at the screen. I know I am seriously addicted to my smartphone. I think this is really bad. I feel people are losing something because of the digital device. Before cell phones became common, we had to call to home phone when we want to contact to friends. We could not chat online so I imagine that the time to spend with friends were more worth than that of now. Now we can text each other all the day, and watch our friend’s life on SNS. The way of communication is changing apparently, and I cannot imagine what it will be like fifty years later. Therefore. I am somehow afraid of technological development.

Since I am using my phone depending on Wi-Fi now, the time I can use my phone is relatively limited. The Wi-Fi at my host family’s house had been broken for over a half month in May. At first, I felt anxiety and got stressed. But after a few days, I got use not to use my phone and could have my own time. I could think deeply, feel independent, released and relaxed. It was really inconvenient because I could not do my homework at home, search something I want to know about, or even check the weather forecast but I learned that it is not so bad just to relax without any connection to internet. I will buy some books to read in my free time and try to stay away from my phone as much as I can in the coming vacation.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Are Red Wine And Chocolate Not So Healthy After All? - Jennie Viratham Poonsawat

By Jennie Viratham Poonsawat
From Are Red Wine And Chocolate Not So Healthy After All? by Alice G. Walton

A glass of red wine. Photo taken in Montreal C...Many people might think that chocolate and red wine are bad for their health. Actually, they are beneficial for health. A recent study shows that the antioxidant "resveratrol" which can be found in both red wine and chocolate. This antioxidant can help to reduce inflammation and prolong the lifespan. Other researches, including the current study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, haven’t found many effects at all in people. But that doesn’t mean there is no evidence to support the fact that red wine and chocolate contain healthy nutrients. Moreover, the researchers looked at urine samples of 783 people living in the Chianti region of Italy and measured levels of resveratrol metabolites. They tracked which participant’s deaths over the course of nine years, and what causes the deaths. They unexpectedly discovered   that there were no links between resveratrol levels and the risk of death. Also, resveratrol does not cause inflammation and heart disease or cancer as well. The story of resveratrol turns out to be another case where you get a lot of hype about health benefits that doesn’t stand the test of time,” said study author Richard D. Semba of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “The thinking was that certain foods are good for you because they contain resveratrol. We didn’t find that at all.”  But part of the issue may come down to how much to consume resveratrol. “The levels of Resveratrol in the diet are negligible compared to the levels shown to work in mice and humans,” Harvard University researcher David Sinclair told the LA Times. Sinclair is one of the leading resveratrol researchers in the U.S. Many people have emphasized that  it would be virtually impossible to get high enough levels in the diet as are used in research studies. However, there’s something responsible for  the “French Paradox,” referring to the fact that French people often consume diets with high saturated fat and cholesterol, but have unusually low levels of heart disease. Researchers had stated that resveratrol might be the reason for this fact, since it can be found in foods like grapes, berries, peanuts, chocolate, and red wine.
Red  wine is like a part of French culture while for Belgium is chocolate. The facts about both food being healthy or not  has been a big issue for many years because red wine is considered alcohol drink or an intoxication and chocolate is one factor of diabetes. However, chocolate and red wine contain beneficial ingredients and nutrients as well, actually, eating dark chocolate can reduce cholesterol and fats. Moreover, we can see that in France where a large number of people drink red  wine on a daily basis, people tend to have longer lifespan that people in other countries. After reading this article, I learn new facts about both chocolate and red  wine about how they are healthy for consumers if people know how much to drink or eat in order to have healthy life and longer lifespan. This article might also encourage people to drink red wine but in a good amount and eat good chocolate like dark chocolate that has 90 percents of  cacao.

Are Dolphins Not as Smart as We Thought? - Jennie Viratham Poonsawat

By Jennie Viratham Poonsawat
From Are Dolphins Not as Smart as We Thought? by Erik Vance
Though dolphin is considered in of the cleverest animals due to their brain and how it learns very quickly, are they really smart? Dolphins can communicate with others through their sonar and they also have some behaviors that other animals do not have like playfulness. Some researchers say that this animal is clever and can communicate in holographic images. In the first category is a recent journal by Paul Manger, reiterating his long-held position that the large dolphin brain has nothing to do with cleverness. Manger, an iconoclastic researcher with the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, has previously stated that the dolphin’s large brain more likely evolved in order to help the animal retain heat than to carry out intelligence. That 2006 paper was criticized by the dolphin research community. This new paper written by Manger takes a critical eye towards brain anatomy, the archeological record, and oft-cited behavioral studies, concluding that cetaceans are not smarter than other vertebrates and that their large brains may have developed for another purpose. Unlike in the previous one, he focuses on many of the behavioral observations, like the mirror recognition test profiled in the September 2011 issue of Discover, saying that they are whether incomplete or incomprehensive. A professional dolphin researcher, Justin Gregg says he respects dolphin’s developments in cognition research. However, he feels like the public and certain researchers have exalted them to a level of smartness beyond what the data, and that other animals can show many equally impressive traits as well. In his book, Gregg states experts who call into doubt the value of the mirror-self-recognition test, an exercise thought to indicate some degree of self-consciousness. Gregg notes that octopuses and pigeons can learn to behave similarly to dolphins when given a mirror. In addition, Gregg argues that communication has been oversold in dolphins. While certainly their whistles and clicks are a complicated form of audio signaling, he cautions that they show none of the hallmarks of human language for example encompassing limitless concepts or freedom from emotion). He also mentions attempts to use information theory which is a branch of mathematics with the information included in dolphin whistles, citing others who question either information theory is even appropriate for the communication. Gregg emphasizes that dolphins certainly portray many impressive cognitive capacities, but that many other animals do as well. However his animals of choice aren’t flattering: in the first chapter he claims that by many metrics chickens are as cognitively capable as dolphins. And then he states that dolphins can understand television screens.

dolphins painting skills

Dolphins are quite an impressive animal in my point of view because of how they react with humans and other animals. They are quite clever and can learn new things very fast like in some shows we can see them jumping through the hoops. More importantly, this animal is very friendly with humans for some reasons and they don’t seem to be afraid to come closer to people. This article provides good information about dolphin’s intelligence and this is quite interesting for me.

5 Fitness Foods That Will Make You Fat

Hisham Alshehri
By: Jenna Bergen

5 Fitness Foods That Will Make You Fat
There are many foods and drinks used by people who working out and caring about energy known as healthy food. Many people who go to the gym or who work out think about power, energy, and greatness. These three factors are commonly used by companies for marketing of their produces such as sport drinks or energy bar. If you really go the gym every day or work out usually do these food really affect your performance? It is actually a waste of your money and it is adding back more calories that you burned in the gym as Eve Pearson, a sports nutritionist in Dallas clarifies that. Here are 5 foods and drinks that mostly common between athletic people that could make you fat if you relay on it daily, and it is better to find alternative and nature foods that are better and friendly.
First type of fitness foods is sport drinks in general. According to Nancy Clark, MS, RD, author of Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook, says that a sport drink is basically is a sugar water with a sprinkle of salt. Only a few people who need more sugar to get energy, the rest people can get energy with water. On top of that, many American guzzle sports people drink a sport drink even if they don’t need it which can simply increase calorie intake. Also, it has an extra sodium, and as Clark who to leads a campaign to reduce our intake of the white stuff says. If the person exercised for 3 hours in the heat, he only needs a little sodium.  The second type of food is Energy bars, and that sound like a great foods for exercising, but actually most of them are not more than cookies especially those who marking as meal replacements. Every bar can contains 300-plus calories as the calories that you are about to burn off. The third type is energy gels and gummies. This could be good for people who running in marathon, but if you just working out for about an hour, this not more that sugar in another word. If you looking for better energy booster for long working out or running, try to use dried fruits, dates, banana, or yogurt. The fourth type is the energy drinks such as Red Bull or Monster to supercharge your workout. It is actually not more than sugar mixed with caffeine and that the reason makes the person feels energy. 62 grams in one can is sugar which you can save your money and drink a cup of coffee with ¼ of sugar. The last type of foods is protein shakes which can fast repairs muscles after a workout. In fact, it actually adds up more calories into your body. Better than that, you can just add some powdered milk into a milk.
This information were totally new for me and helpful for me because I usually relay on these type of foods. I asked many trainer and athletic people about these product and never of them says it is bad, but the most common idea about these type of foods among athletic people is helpful for the body after the gym and it can boost the energy. From today, I will try to rely on a natural food and fruits to help me with a workout.

Health Benefits of Banana

Hisham Alshehri
By Chad Hagy

Health Benefits of Banana 
Over the good taste, banana have several health benefits that not in any other types of fruits.  It a one type of food for daily diet. Also, it is an easy to carry when you are in hurry or when you are out of the house. But what about the health benefits? On top of that positive thing of banana, they have many benefits to the body and here are some of them mentions by Chad Hagy. As many doctors say that eating apple everyday can keep you away from doctors. The banana have more vitamins than in the apple. Banana have double carbohydrates than in the apple. It is also rich with potassium and natural sugars. Other benefit of banana is good to provide energy. Because of the natural vitamins in the banana, two banana can give you energy to work out for an hour and half. Also, instead of drinking caffeine or eating a sugary snack, banana can give the good level of energy that can help you to awake. Another benefit is good for a Vital for Performance. Because of the high amount of potassium, banana can help the body’s circulatory system to deliver oxygen to the brain, and can do balance of the water in the body. Besides that, it is helpful to do balance of the blood pressure. Another benefit of banana that is banana good for promote bowel health. It is also helpful to stop constipation. Banana have certain type of fiber that can be helpful for bowel functions. Instead of using laxatives bills which contain chemicals, try to use banana which have the same affectation and they are natural sources without any side problems. Other benefit is that banana help to lift the spirits. The banana have level of protein that can help the brain to feel relax and feel happier. According to study says that some people who suffering from depression report a good feeling after eating banana. More benefit of banana is that banana helpful to increase the brain power. A study done by on 200 students and asked them to eat banana tree times for a week and the result was increasing of the brainpower. Another benefit of banana is that banana help to reduce the effects of a hangover. Banana have the ability to restore the blood sugar and tends to calm the stomach to normal. Similar to that, it can be helpful for people who want to quit smoking because banana contain B vitamins which can reduce the psychological effects of nicotine withdrawal. Last benefit of banana is benefit for the pregnant women’s health. The banana contain properties that helpful to replenish the body and restore the blood which can help to recover the pregnant body from sickness and keep her temperature level normal.
Daily in my life, I try always to eat different types of fruits, but I don’t eat banana that much because I never read about the benefits of banana, and usually I heard people talking about different types of fruits such as apple, orange, and grapes. This article give us a several benefit of the banana that might be not found in other types of fruits.

Cross-cultural Studying Issue--Wendi Fan

In the article "Facts Behind Studying Abroad", Emily DeRuy states five figures about international educational exchange to show more and more U.S. collegians are studying overseas for one or more semesters.  The first one about the issue in questioned is that it is approximately 283000 American students were sent to study abroad last year, increasing 3% than ever before. The second one of the topic mentioned above is that there were about 820000 foreign students who studied in America last year, and the number of these students from China is the same as students were sent overseas from U.S.. The next figure is that foreign students brought American economy new and global perspectives by providing $24 billion. In addition, there are 15000 American students studying in China every year. And the most popular destination of studying abroad is United Kingdom, following is Italy, Spain and France. The last figure is that 90% of American college students are not planning to study overseas. Although the number of American students going abroad is low, it has more than tripled in the past two decades and the uptick is likely to continue.

Estimated by the Institute of International Education and the State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the study abroad experience is more valuable than ever, judging in those figures behind the report. IIE President Allan Goodman said in a statement that, every student studied abroad will be global talent and work effectively in multi-national teams to solve cultural differences and historical experiences in right way.

This issue reminds me of thinking about our experiences of studying abroad. There are both advantages and drawbacks to judge this question. First and foremost benefit of studying abroad is that many students travel abroad to study at prestigious university. In China, there are more than ten millions students attending to the University Entrance Examination, and only 10% of them can enroll into famous Chinese universities. It seems more easier to apply a good enough worldwide college to have prestigious courses by only English score. The second advantage of studying overseas it that qualifications gained abroad can open doors to better job opportunities. More and more big companies expand his business overseas and they will need more cross-cultural graduations who can speak muti-languages. In addition, living in a foreign country can broaden students' horizons. The view of walking far roads is much better than reading books. Foreign life demands more abilities to deal with all kinds of problems such as seeking for accommodation, pay all fees and organize own daily meals. It is a big challenge for traditional Chinese child. At the same time, this is also a disadvantage of studying abroad. Another drawback of this issue in questioned is that international student has to bare homesick. Chinese value relationship with family, relatives and friends, especially someone engaged in. Far away from them means suffering more for Chinese persons, even though there will be wonderful and happy life in the foreign country.

Big Mac, Thin Wallet - Jennie Viratham Poonsawat

By Jennie Viratham Poonsawat
From Big Mac, Thin Wallet by Sanford E. DeVOE

Nowadays, there are many studies showing that fast food is harmful for one's health. In fact, this kind of food affects not only physically but also mentally because of the fast production and quick consumption. Many people usually prefer fast food since it suits their quick lifestyle and brings a fast gratification as well. Therefore, fast food implants the idea of getting things right away, that's why many people in this generation cannot wait and these people will do anything to get whatever they want. Recent researches by Sanford E. DeVOE and his colleagues at the University of Toronto, Julian House and Chen-Bo Zhong show that subjects who often consume fast food tend to do other things fast as well. During the experiment, subjects were given pictures of fast food or logos of fast food restaurants and they had to recall the experience in fast food restaurants and the moment while they were eating the food. Afterwards, the researchers would give some tasks for the subjects to accomplish like reading a paragraph and report. The subjects appeared to be hurry in every task and try to finish everything right away. Therefore, eating too much fast food causes the consumers to be less patient and want everything right away just like how they eat fast food in daily life.  Moreover, fast food consumption also effects in people’s habits as well like how they save money. The researchers obtained geographically coded data from respondents, nationally representative data set maintained by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which included how much more money a respondent would demand to delay receiving $1,000 by a month. (The more people demand to delay receiving the reward is a standard measure of how financially impatient they are.)
This article is really true for the society these days where people are used to have things very fast like the information even other tasks on a daily basis. Fast food is a big problem especially in the United States because nowadays people even only young ones are developing obesity and diabetes while in the past, only old people or adults would have these diseases. It shows that now people are having unhealthy life at young age due to the large consumption of fast food. This kind of fast consumption effects people mentally and physically since when consumers eat fast food every day, obviously they become fat and also tend to be moody as well because they don’t know how to wait for a long time due to the quick lifestyle that they can get things right away without waiting. This serious problem should be solved because it will affect the kids in this generation especially their learning capacities. Not only in the United States, fast food effects people in almost every country where fast food are being sold, the consumption changes the way people live and causes the bad habits. I strongly agree with some people that fast food should be banned in schools because those kids deserve to have good environment in school.

CANCER | By: Doha Shaabien


What is Cancer?
Cancer is one of the serious diseases that caused by uncontrolled growth and division of the abnormal cells in the body. Those cells have the ability to spread and move in the body with the blood or through the lymph system and move to another organ and make tumors  and this case is too hard to be treated.

Cancer formation.
The life cycle of the normal cell ends when it dies through normal process called apoptosis. However, cancer cell doesn’t go through the programmatic death and it continues to grow and divide in abnormal and uncontrolled way to form the tumor. For more understandable, it starts from DNA and genes. Mutations in the DNA can cause damages to the genes that responsible for cell division. So cancer forms when the gene mutations affect the cell ability and prevent it from correcting the damage in the DNA so prevent its death. Once this happened, the cell continues growing.

When this tumor starts in a specific organ it called primary tumor. But once some cells transfer to another organ to create a new tumor on it, this tumor called metastatic tumor.

The tumors that caused by the traveled cancer cells to another organ (metastatic tumor) are the main death cause in the cancer cases while 10% of the cases are died from the primary tumors (non-traveled tumor)
The cause why the malignant cells can transfer through the blood and the small gaps is that malignant cells are more flexible according to the journal Scientific Reports that published in April 2013.
There are more than 100 types of cancer and there are many factors can start the cancer.
There are some of the cancer causes factors:

Carcinogens like tobacco, asbestos, arsenic, radiation, sun, and gases can damage the cell DNA.

Babies can inherit genetic mutations from their parents or family members if they are carrying this malfunctioning gene so they have high risk to developed cancer in their bodies sometime in their life.

When people grow up, the risk of getting cancer will be high since the immune system became weaker and the person exposure to many carcinogens in his long life. This is not the basic role for developing cancer in old people; but, the most reasonable causes.

Experience some diseases that weaken the immune system like human papillomavirus, hepatitis B and C, and Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can increase the potential of getting cancer.

Cancer symptoms
The symptoms depend on the type of the cancer. Some symptoms can be obvious such as changes colors or shape on breast, testis or skin cancer. However, some kinds of cancer have common symptoms with other diseases or those symptoms are not obvious like brain, pancreas, liver, colon, bladder lung, throat and prostate.

Brain tumor causes headache when it presses the nerves. Hormones defects could be symptom for glands cancer. Coughing, shortness of breath could be indicator for lung cancer. Moreover, unexplained weight loss, Fever, sweating, anemia and many other disorders could be non-obvious symptoms that something wrong is happening inside the body. What symptom exactly? It all depends on the tumor location.

to read more about therapy, diagnosis and how to prevent it, you can visit

10 Animal Facts That Are Completely Wrong / By Doha Shaabien

 Many information resources around us give wrong information sometimes. Many facts about animals we had known are not scientifically true but new generation belief it just because their parents told them about it. There are 10 wrong facts about animals and the truth information about it.

1-      If you touch a toad, you will get warts

Because toads have warts in their bodies, many people belief this wrong fact. The main cause for warts is a virus called Human Papilloma Virus and people can catch it from anywhere. But this tricky fact could help parents to convince their children to not touch toads.

2-      Goldfish have weak memories

This is information about goldfish also is very common. However, the scientists now approved that goldfishes have intelligence and can remember events that happened after many weeks. Moreover, in order to make performances, they have been trained to do complex trains such as pulling levers, jumping through rings and ringing bells. We can say that goldfishes are smart, at least as much as rats.

3-      Cheetahs are fastest living creature on this planet

This information could be true if we add the phrase (on land). Since the cheetahs reach 68 MPH/ hour and this speed is more than the allowed limit on the most US highways, cheetahs still not the fastest animal ever. The spine tailed reached 69 miles per hour flying which is faster than cheetahs. Also the sailfish can swim to reach the speed of 68 MPH/ hour.

4-      Daddy Long Legs are toxic

People think that Daddy Long Legs are spiders and they are very toxic but it can’t bite us because of its small mouth. The truth, they are officially classified as Opilones and they are not toxic even if people eat it without cooking.

5-      Ostriches and burying heads in sand.

This is very ingrained theory about ostriches when they can’t defend themselves, they bury their heads. This is totally wrong because they have some strategies to defend themselves such as using their strong kick. The fact about their heads that the just lower trying to hide and become hard to the enemy to see them.

6-      Bulls become angry when they see the red color.

This also very common belief based on what people see in circus. The scientific truth is bulls cant make difference between colors like many animals. The only thing that makes her make an angry reaction is the waving in addition of the noises from people around her.

7-         Snakes hear the music and react

Not true because snakes hear in a different way from the human beings and the fact about their moving or dancing is this reacting to the vibrations.

8-      Koalas are bears!!

Koalas are kind of marsupial mammals like kangaroos because they have the pouch that make it classified as a marsupial.

9-      Old dogs don’t have the ability to learn new tricks

This theory is not true even for the human. Some studies show that the old dog can learn new thing as same as the young dog if he got a good training.

10-   Dolphins are friendly

They could be friends and nice with you; but, not to all living creature in the ocean!! Studies show that they have some violent actions toward baby porpoises and sometimes toward their kind. The dolphins tend to learn to enjoy instead of killing show that they have intelligence and they are unique.