Thursday, April 17, 2014

Three Acceptable outrages by Hussain Alqatifi

Three Acceptable Outrages

In the previous decades, humanity has suffered from a plethora of acceptable outrages such as women's rights, nuclear weapons and children works.

Women's rights are controversial topic in many part of the globe. In some countries women relatively got their rights such as in the United States and Europe countries and now they have similar rights just as men. However, in many countries still the issue of women's rights did not make any progress. One example of women's right is equality at workplaces. In other words, women appeal to be equal to men at workplaces. They should have equal opportunities at workplace. Fortunately, nowadays women easily can get a job, yet there are facing injustice treatments by employers. For example, women might get lower wages in many organizations. Moreover, women have serious obstacles to vacate high level positions or executive positions in a company neither in a public organization. Even though in some countries that have a big movement in women's rights, there are a few number of women who are working in executives positions.

Nuclear weapons are the most critical threat for humanity. We knew what happened in Hiroshima when it was invaded by nuclear bombs. Hiroshima has been suffering all the time because of nuclear weapons. It is a disgrace for all countries that are still developing and spending large sums of money for nuclear weapons despite of their experience and they know what it could cause for the globe if these weapons used. Nuclear weapons have harm more than good for humanity. We are not against science development but not at the expense of the environment and humankind. It is easy to destroy the environment but it is very hard to maintain it for next generations.

Children work in the past was acceptable for several reasons. All family members have their responsibility such as father and sons have to work in the field or any workplace and the mother and daughter do house work. In the past, there were limited education opportunities for children, so they did not have options, so they were providing assistant for their parents by working or helping their parents at work. However, today children should go to school not to work in order to get good education. As a result, these children will be strong and qualified to contribute in a society.   

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