In the past, a great many of outrages related to animals were practiced; for example, blood sports such as bull-baiting, fox tossing, and ritual animal killing, which people sacrificed animals to give their gratitude for Gods, or just as amusements. Still, there are horrible outrages involved animals, which we have not noticed or not taken a step for it yet. Let me introduce three outrages.
One of remarkable and well-known animal abuses is animal slaughter disposition. Some people abandon their pets with excuses that they are not capable of keeping them anymore, because of specific reasons like moving, keeper’s death, as such. However, we do not know exactly about the final destination of abandoned animals. In fact, majority of them end up going to shelters and finally are killed. In addition, extra animals, which were supposed to be pets, go to shelters and are discarded as well. How come the keepers buy pets without thinking over of the future, and responsibility as their only owners in the world?
Animal experiment/testing is also one of acceptable recent outrages. Right now, tons of animals are confined in dark laboratories, being frightened to be tested. Animal testing is conducted in many kind of facilities including from elementary schools to medical schools, and is used widely for familiar house products, including cosmetic, drugs, pesticides, industrial chemicals, food additives and so on. While many facilities and organizations have been trying to reduce animal experiment, it is conducted all around the world. Relentless as it is, the point is, that educated as it is an inevitable action to learn, we consider it as it goes.
The third one is making and selling real fur. Compared to the outrages above, this outrage is different from them in that we make it just as an amusement. Some might claim that clothes made of real fur is quite warm and highly well-made in its quality. Therefore, they even were it as a sign of their richness. Yet, they are not likely to turn their eyes on the making processes, which are horribly bloody and brutal blots on our humanity. I am wondering if they really want real fur, executing slaughter animals, which even they have as pets.
The three examples are the only few of ones related to animals. We have to keep eyes on the problem seriously and try get rid of the awful outrages.
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