Friday, April 11, 2014

Acceptable Outrages by civilians - Sulaiman Alturaif

By Sulaiman Alturaif.

Let's start with giving some definition to the term "outrage." According to Google search engine, it indicates that outrage is an action or event causing anger, shock, or indignation. In the past, some behaviors, horrible ones, were conceded and accepted by the communities. These actions, however, are taboo as the modern societies allege to, and considered to be stigma, mark of disgrace in the history of humanity.

As an exemplification of what used to be acceptable in the past, the rejection of the female gender and the deprivation of her rights to participate in the off-housing regular daily basis activities, justifying that she's a weak creature and physically, emotionally incapable of managing the real world problems. Nevertheless, the female creature was only supposed to the housekeeping work, not to mention that she was not even allowed to receive proper education as her fellow males. Therefore, sexism was something acceptable in the past centuries when the women was defined as a weak, emotional creature whose only capable of maternity and post pregnancy rising of the child. However, in the 21st century the female creature have proved otherwise, she showed that she's even capable of giving and fulfilling more than what males can't achieve. 

Another example to clarify acceptable outrages is homosexuality, and gay marriage. Some of the countries still do not approve gay marriage in their constitution, or some states in the United States. Gay marriage, in some perspective is contradicting the human nature in their sexual orientation, where male and female are the ones who supposed to get married, not people from the same sex. However, some recent medical researches assert that many male born children carries feminine genes and hormones that would affect their sexual orientation. Thus, become gay. In the U.S army, soldiers were forced to accept gay marriage, no matter whether it violates their religious beliefs. As a result, some soldiers didn't concede that fact and it coasted them their careers. Some cultures considers it as a tumor starts to metastasize in our communities and its underlying significance is violating nature way of creatures mating, which will lead to many side effects.  

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